Friday 28 December 2012

Tournament links + 1

A couple of significant tournaments are starting up (or have already started).
In Australia, the Australian Open begins on the 2nd of January 2013. At the current time, the field for the Open is close to 100 players, with 3 GM's and 6 IM's filling up the top end. Tournament details (entries, results etc) can be found here.
My favourite tournament that I have never been to, Hastings, is also kicking off today (Friday). Check out the tournament website for more details on this historic event.
There is also the Christmas tournament in Groningen, which is just getting to the business end. Of interest is the participation of former Australian Champion IM John-Paul Wallace, who seems to be making a comeback to tournament play. Results etc are here (in Dutch)

And if you want a bit of chess 'humour', then this effort from the BBC may make you laugh (btw it does have a bit of language. You have been warned).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Australian Chess Championship is essentially a NSW Open with "friends". I don't think too many players from the 'David Beaumont Fan Club' (formerly Melbourne Chess Club) or the many of the 'Trevorgerrits' are going.
Has Melbourne effectively been banned as a venue for the national championships by the ACF?