Saturday 23 November 2013

Carlsen - World Chmpion

Magnus Carlsen has become the new World Champion after a draw in the 10th game of the 2013 World Championship Match. The 22 year old secured the title by a score of 6.5-3.5, scoring 3 wins, 7 draws and no losses.
Despite the talk around Chennai that this game would be a quick draw, the players fought all the way to the finish, with the game ending with K v K+N (which is an automatic draw under the Laws of Chess). As in previous games in the match, Carlsen obtained a risk free position from the opening, which allowed him to probe for weaknesses, while having the draw in hand. However the match situation meant that Anand was not going to offer a draw, and unlikely to accept one, as a draw would have ended the match in Carlsen's favour. This also accounted for Carlsen's somewhat 'automatic' choice on Move 30, when 30.Nc3 would have given him a bigger advantage.
There was some excitement towards the end of the game as Carlsen decided sacrifice his knight for 3 pawns. On the surface this looked like a risky plan, but it quickly became clear that the position was simply draw.
The match hands the World Championship title to a younger generation, although whether the title belongs to Carlsen exclusively will be decided by the next few matches.

Carlsen,Magnus (2870) - Anand,Viswanathan (2775) [B51]
WCh 2013 Chennai IND (10), 22.11.2013

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